2025 Annual Meeting

Save the Dates

The Society for the Study of Psychiatry and Culture (SSPC) is excited to share the dates for the 46th Annual Meeting! Mark your calendars and plan to join us on April 3rd-5th, 2025 in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Registration Information and Agenda will be shared soon.

Call for Abstracts

The Call for Abstracts is now open. Click here to learn more!

Deadline for Abstract Submissions: EXTENDED to November 8th, 2024
Deadline for Award Applications: November 15th, 2024

Hotel Reservations:
SSPC has secured a block of rooms for you to use to receive a discounted rate of $179 USD per night for your reservations.

CLICK HERE to make a reservation.

Deadline for Reservations: March 11, 2025 – The discounted rate is not guaranteed for reservations received after this date.

If you have any questions, please contact:
Brie Kohrt, Chair of the Program Committee at bkohrt@childrensnational.org

Hotel Reservations

SSPC has secured a block of rooms for you to use to receive a discounted rate of $179 USD per night for your reservations.

CLICK HERE to make a reservation.

Deadline for Reservations: March 11, 2025 – The discounted rate is not guaranteed for reservations received after this date.

If you have any questions, please contact:
Brie Kohrt, Chair of the Program Committee at bkohrt@childrensnational.org