Day 1: Thursday, April 27, 2017
Time | Title | Speaker/Facilitator |
7:30 – 8:30 | Registration and Breakfast | |
8:30 – 9:00 | Welcome Remarks and Housekeeping Details | |
9:00 – 11:00 | Plenary 1: Global Mental Health and the Family | Moderator: James Griffith |
Where Is the Family in Global Mental Health? | Vincenzo Di Nicola | |
War-Affected Youth: A Family-Centered, Intergenerational Approach to Recovery | Suzan Song | |
Grappling with Ambivalence About Families in Global Mental Health | James Griffith | |
11:00 – 11:15 | Break | |
11:15 – 12:00 | Charles Hughes Memorial Lecture: Family-Based Adolescent Maltreatment in Kenya: Development of a Culturally Grounded Model | Elsa Friis |
12:00 – 1:00 | Lunch | |
Poster Session (1:00 – 2:00) | ||
Why go to church? | Sara Cohen-Fournier | |
Family-centered care for adolescent mental health concerns in immigrant communities | Catherine Costigan | |
Depression and people’s concept | Masoumeh Dejman | |
Perception of mental illness among Chinese immigrants, with a focus on highly educated immigrants | Wei Du | |
Utilization of cultural formulation in management and treatment of a Congolese refugee: A case study | Samira Khan | |
What makes Pokémon Go so attractive? Good and bad sides of a new social addictive passion | Tsezar Korolenko
Tatiana Korolenko |
Mental health outcomes and care-seeking among Somali women in the US: Negotiating the cultural and cross-cultural | Georgia Michlig | |
Providing mental health services for refugees: Perspectives from refugee patients and those who treat them | Vanja Pejic
Daniel Savin |
Culture, black magic, and psychosis: A case study | Patricia Carr Reese | |
The Village of “Each One” to the Village of “All Together”: Redefining family systems in unaccompanied refugee minors and local staff in Lesvos, Greece | Arianna Schindle | |
Parent-child relationship dynamics as risk factors for adolescent maladjustment in Chinese Canadian immigrant families | Vivien So | |
The role of the symbolization process of the migratory path and its influence on the Syrian refugee adolescents’ mental health and school success | Alyssa Turpin-Samson | |
Concurrent Sessions (2:00 – 4:00) | ||
Symposium 1: Explanatory Models, Decision About Treatment, and Outcomes in Youth Mental Health in a Culturally Diverse Population: How Does Family Matter? | Moderator: Steven Wolin
Lucie Nadeau Sophia Koukoui Vanessa Lecompte |
Workshop 1: A Vietnamese-American’s Family Account of Bipolar Disorder and the Path Toward Recovery: Applying the DSM-5 Outline for Cultural Formulation | Francis Lu
Shannon Suo Discussant: Alison Heru |
Workshop 2: Genograms in Clinical Practice | Monica McGoldrick | |
Paper Session 1: Narratives and Story-Telling | Moderator: Neil Aggarwal | |
Defining testimonial therapy: A narrative approach to reclaiming meaning in women’s trauma recovery
Pooja Lakshmin | |
¿Estamos de acuerdo?: An evaluation of the cultural congruence of Latino patients’ and their psychotherapists’ narratives following an initial session
Sylvanna Vargas | |
How does one enact a potential future worth striving for? A narrative-phenomenological analysis | Jiameng Xu | |
Facilitated storytelling and acculturation among South Asian grandparents and grandchildren in Canada | Zainab Furqan | |
Examining the relationship between code-switching and emotion regulation in bilingual immigrant families | Aya Williams | |
4:00 – 4:15 | Break | |
4:15 – 5:15 | For the care of the “lunatics”: Mental health care in Philadelphia in the 18th and 19th centuries | Stacey Peeples
Moderator: Liz Kramer |
5:30 – 7:30 | Reception |
Day 2: Friday, April 28, 2017
Time | Title | Speaker/Facilitator |
7:30 – 8:30 | Breakfast | |
8:30 – 10:00 | Plenary 2: The Pliable Boundaries of Our Reality: How “Ghosts” Make Themselves Present in the Clinical Setting | Carlos E. Sluzki
10:00 – 10:15 | Break | |
10:15 – 12:15 |
Symposium 2: Indigenous Perspectives on Family Wellbeing, Resilience, and Mental Health | Moderator: Laurence Kirmayer
Laurence Kirmayer Melissa Walls Cassandra Poirier Joseph Gone |
Symposium 3: “Fresh off the Boat”: Learning from a TV Sitcom about Acculturation, Family Dynamics, Child Development, and Mental Health in Asian American Immigrant Families | Moderator/Discussant: Lusha Lu
Dana Wang Justin Chen Annie Li
Workshop 4: Training Youth Mental Health Clinicians to Use the Cultural Formulation Interview with Families in a Sensitive and Culturally Safe Way: The Interdisciplinary Case Discussion Seminars Approach | Janique Johnson-Lafleur
Cécile Rousseau Neil Aggarwal |
Workshop 5: Cross-Cultural Instrument Adaptation | Bonnie Kaiser
Eve Puffer |
12:15 – 1:15 | Lunch and Business Meeting | |
1:15 – 2:00 | John Spiegel Memorial Lecture: Postpartum Depression and Psychosis in Refugee Women: A Transcultural Psychiatric Approach | Eden Almasude |
2:00 – 4:00 | Residents’ Consultation Clinic | Kenneth Fung |
Symposium 4: Cultural Depictions of Resilience in the Face of Inevitable Family Dissolution in the Films Make Way for Tomorrow and Tokyo Story | Moderator/Presenter: Francis Lu | |
Workshop 6: Family and Culture: Clinical Tools for Everyday Practice | Ellen Berman
Alison Heru |
Workshop 7: Cross-Cultural Instrument Development | Bonnie Kaiser
Eve Puffer Ali Giusto Fran Barg |
Paper Session 2: Works in Progress | Moderator: Roberto Lewis-Fernández | |
Planning for mental health services and psychosocial support in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) | Patricia Hong | |
Exploring the intersecting identities and mental health needs of Middle Eastern and Asian sexual minority immigrant youth | Jishain Ravinthiran | |
Embodiment as everyday: Mapping the health trajectories of Vietnamese men who have sex with men | Kathy Trang | |
Family tyranny or family therapy? How families impact or mitigate psychiatric disabilities: Preliminary data from an ethnographic study in Suffolk County, New York | Cassandra Evans | |
4:00 – 4:15 | Break | |
4:15 – 5:45 | Symposium 5: The Roles of Family in Depression Care for Culturally Diverse Populations in Primary Care: Empirical Evidence from Three Studies | Hongtu Chen
Ladson Hinton Alan Teo |
Paper Session 3: Novel Curricula and Service Models | Moderator: Francis Lu
Teaching culture and family to psychiatry residents: Curriculum innovations | Puneet Sahota | |
Building resilience in families, communities, and organizations: A training program in global mental health and psychosocial support | Jack Saul | |
Diagnostic and intervention impact of south Asian patients: Systemic assessments in McGill cultural consultation service | Jaswant Guzder | |
Paper Session 4: Power and Family Dynamics | Moderator:
Vincenzo Di Nicola |
Self-stigma, insight, and family burden among parents of people with severe mental illness: Cultural considerations | Yaara Zisman Ilani | |
Re-thinking the role of family and culture in the aftermath of epidemics | Neda Faregh | |
Three cases of family dynamics, suicide, substance abuse, and residential schools among the First Nations in Canada. | Bobby Chaudhuri | |
Paper Session 5: Policy and Planning Updates | Moderator: TBA | |
The Affordable Care Act and mental health | Shannon Suo | |
How do mental health agencies and providers develop and implement a cultural and linguistic competence policy? | Hextor Pabón | |
Day 3: Saturday, April 29, 2017
Time | Title | Speaker/Facilitator |
7:30 – 8:30 | Breakfast | |
8:30 – 10:30 | Plenary 3: Our Changing Understanding of Gender Identity: From the Sexual Revolution to the Gender Spectrum | Moderator: Stephen Wolin |
Transparenting: A Family’s Journey to Acceptance and Celebration of Their Transgender Child | Catherine Hyde | |
Mental Health Considerations for Transgender Individuals and Families: A Life-Span Perspective | Michelle Angello | |
10:30 – 10:45 | Break | |
10:45 – 12:45 | Symposium 6: Contextualizing the Patient Encounter: The Convergence of Family Psychiatry and Cultural Psychiatry | Moderator/Discussant: Laurence Kirmayer
Alison Heru Alex Kopelowicz Melanie Domenech-Rodríguez |
Workshop 8: A Psychoeducational Multiple Family Group Intervention for Traumatized Families | Peter Steinglass | |
Workshop 9: From I to We: An ACT Interweaving of Families, Groups, and Culture | Kenneth Fung | |
Workshop 10: Culturally Sensitive Collaborative Treatment in Primary Care for Patients from Diverse Cultures: The Importance and Challenge of Involving Families | Nhi-Ha Trinh
Trina Chang |
Paper Session 6: Cultural Adaptation of Family Therapy | Moderator: Monica McGoldrick | |
Development of a family therapy intervention in Kenya: A community-based and culturally anchored approach | Eve Puffer | |
Utilizing technology in provision of a culturally grounded family therapy by religious lay counselors in Kenya | Elsa Friis | |
Adapting the Cultural Formulation Interview (CFI) for children and adolescents
Engaging the family within the context of a community school |
Samrad Ghane
Kimberly Burkhart |
12:45 – 1:45 | Lunch | |
1:45 – 3:45 | Symposium 7: Family Therapy with Refugee Families: Working with Trauma and Cultural Change Within Family Relationships | Moderator: Puneet Sahota
Lucia De Haene Jaswant Guzder Cécile Rousseau |
Symposium 8: Early Psychosis in India and Canada: Investigating Outcomes and Family Factors Using Mixed Methods | Moderator: Srividya Iyer
Megan Pope Srividya Iyer R. Padmavti |
Workshop 11: Attachment-Based Family Therapy for Suicidal Adolescents: Working with Multicultural Families | Jody Russon
Jessy Sandoval-Barrett |
Paper Session 7: Global Mental Health Case Studies | Moderator: James Griffith | |
The impact of a family skills training intervention among Burmese migrant families in Thailand: A randomized controlled trial | Eve Puffer | |
A direct observational measure of family functioning for a low-resource setting: Adaptation and feasibility in a Kenyan sample | Ali Giusto | |
Gender as a moderator of coping skills development within a culturally adapted dialectical behavior therapy program for adolescent earthquake survivors in Nepal | Andi Schmidt | |
Underage drinking and changing parent-child relations after the political violence in Ayacucho Province, Peru | Sakiko Yamaguchi |