SSPC 2018 Annual Meeting

Conference Overview
The 2018 SSPC annual meeting will critically explore the implicit (or explicit) definitions of culture that are being used in current mental health research and practice. To what extent are process-based definitions of culture replacing or coexisting alongside more static group background-based definitions? Process-based definitions conceptualize culture as a dynamic process of meaning-making that is based on multiple influences from a person’s background, including gender identity, occupation, class, and sexual orientation, to name a few. The impact of these influences become more or less prominent at any given moment, in some settings and not others, and depending on what is “at stake” for the person at the time. This process-based conceptualization coexists with more traditional notions of culture that are rooted in a principal group identity, typically the person’s national or racial/ethnic background.
This meeting will explore various definitions of culture active in mental health work. For example, is culture conceptualized uniformly in key components of DSM-5, such as in the Cultural Formulation Interview and the Culture-Related Diagnostic Issues sections of each disorder? How does serious engagement with process-based definitions affect our established practices, such as the usual medical identification of the patient on the basis of age, gender, and race/ethnicity (e.g. “23-year-old black female”)? How does the global spread ofmental health interventions potentially perpetuate simplistic notions of culture, to the potential detriment of programs? What role does the family play in creating/recreating these cultural influences? Does still make sense to speak of a person’s “culture” in the singular?
Learning Objectives
After attending this meeting, participants will be able to:
- Identify multiple definitions of culture from clinical, social science, and humanities fields and their implications for mental health research and practice.
- Discuss theories and concepts relevant to culture, including identity, power, explanatory models, equity, diversity, and meaning-making and their implications in the practice of cultural psychiatry and global mental health.
- Describe how various definitions of culture are used in diverse aspects of mental health work, including clinical care, training, advocacy, and research.
- Integrate the multiple conceptualizations of culture into the practice of cultural psychiatry and global mental health.
Day 1 (Thursday, April 19, 2018)
7:30 – 8:30 | Registration and Breakfast | |||
8:30 – 8:45 | Welcome Remarks & Housekeeping Details | |||
8:45 – 10:15 | Plenary Lecture
What does culture mean? Insights from Anthropology |
Byron Good,
Mary-Jo DelVecchio Good Discussant: Laurence Kirmayer |
10:15 –10:45 | Break | |||
10:45 – 11:30 | Charles Hughes Award Lecture: Observational measurement of family functioning for a low-resource setting: Adaptation and feasibility in a Kenyan sample | Ali Giusto | ||
11:30 – 12:15 | John Spiegel Award Lecture: Are the arguments against global mental health and its perceived cultural insensitivity true? | Monika Karazja | ||
12:15 – 1:15 | Lunch | |||
1:15 – 2:45 | Concurrent Sessions | |||
Symposium 1: Culture and Ecological Context in Global Mental Health: Comparative Studies from Mexico, Haiti, Italy, and the United States | Moderator: Janis Jenkins | |||
How culture and other contextual factors influenced the development and success of a mobile mental health clinic in rural Haiti | David Grelotti | |||
Adolescent mental health in a Mexican border city: Experience, cultural meaning, and sociopolitical context | Olga Olivas Hernández | |||
Culture and psychiatry in Catholic exorcism | Thomas J. Csordas | |||
Workshop 1: An ACT Approach to Discovering the Meaning of Culture | Kenneth Fung | |||
Workshop 2: Publishing in Cultural Psychiatry | Laurence Kirmayer
Roberto Lewis-Fernández Atwood Gaines Neil Aggarwal |
Paper Session 1: War, Conflict, and Mental Health | Moderator: James Griffith | |||
The impact of war-induced migration on cultural identity formation in adolescence: A family perspective | Marjorie Rabiau | |||
Mental health and psychosocial problems among conflict-affected adults in northern Bougainville: A rapid qualitative assessment | Shoshanna Fine | |||
Culture, violence and resistance in the Middle East: Experiences of women through an internet platform “Uprising of Women in the Arab World” | Nathalie Baba | |||
2:45 – 3:15 | Break | |||
3:15 – 4:45 | Concurrent Sessions | |||
Symposium 2: Cultural Affordances: An Eco-psycho-social Framework for Rethinking Culture in Psychiatry | Moderator:
Samuel Veissière |
Cultural affordances and epistemic biases | Samuel Veissière | |||
Cultural affordances and folk psychiatric knowledge | Laurence Kirmayer | |||
Cultural affordances and maternal expectations | Ana Gómez-Carrillo | |||
Workshop 3: Hope Modules: Brief Psychotherapeutic Interventions to Counter Demoralization Among Refugees and Forcibly Displaced People | James Griffith | |||
Paper Session 2: Cross-Cultural Assessment, Adaptation, and Global Mental Health | Moderator: Mitchell Weiss | |||
Revised outline for Cultural Formulation based on experience with the Cultural Formulation Interview for DSM-5 | Mitchell Weiss | |||
Using cultural and contextual insights to inform implementation strategies: An example of family therapy in Kenya | Bonnie Kaiser | |||
Lessons from a cross-cultural China-Canada suicide prevention research project | June Lam | |||
Paper Session 3: Safety and Cultural Consultation | Moderator: Neil Aggarwal | |||
Are we talking as professionals or as mothers? | Mónica Ruíz-Casares | |||
Cultural consultation in context: A comparison of intake and triage in Montreal, London and Paris | George Eric Jarvis | |||
Cultural safety in working with refugees and immigrants: The case of Farsi-speaking newcomers in Quebec | Fahimeh Mianji | |||
4:45 – 5:45 | Poster Session | |||
The relationship of the concept of cultural competence and strategies of care for culturally diverse populations in the Brazilian public health system | Luciana Carvalho | |||
Indigenous research methods: A systematic review | Alexandra Drawson | |||
Mental illness among Bhutanese refugees in the United States: An overview | Aditi Giri | |||
Cross-institutional collaboration between Cambodia and the University of Colorado | Isabella Guillemet | |||
The ‘global’ engulfs the ‘local’: Voices from community mental health organisations in Kerala, India | Sudarshan R. Kottai | |||
“Who am I after all this and where should I say that I am from?” Defining a culture of displacement and its impact on refugee self-framing and well being | Grace Kyoon-Achan | |||
Loss and opportunity in acculturation: recovery as clarification of cultural identity, a case study | Varsha Narasimhan | |||
Assessment for experience of microaggressions and coping strategies in young adults of color in the Dorchester, Mattapan, and Roxbury neighborhoods of Boston | Brandon Newsome | |||
Islamic faith and tradition shape ethical perspectives on refugee patients in Jordan: A phenomenological approach | Eric Rafla-Yuan | |||
Catatonia in a Yemeni refugee | Jyotsna Ranga | |||
Implemeting a new training program in social and cultural psychiatry in regional Australia | Bipin Ravindran | |||
Lost in interpretation: A case report of navigating a communication mistake with a Syrian refugee | Diana Robinson | |||
The complexity of culture: A case study of mental health services for LGBTQ* communities | Jann Tomaro | |||
Cultural factors in the life story perspective delaying and influencing patient treatment and outcomes | Souraya Torbey | |||
The academic success for international students who do not speak English as the first language | Kuan-l Wu | |||
6:00–8:00 | Reception |
Day 2 (Friday, April 29, 2018)
7:30 – 8:30 | Breakfast | |
8:30 – 10:00 | Plenary Panel (Part 1)
What does “culture” mean? Clinical, research, training, and policy perspectives |
Cécile Rousseau
Elizabeth Carpenter-Song Marjorie Kagawa Singer Paul Brodwin Moderator: Roberto Lewis-Fernández |
10:30 – 11:15 | Plenary (Part 2)
Breakout discussion (4 groups) |
Shannon Suo (Clinical)
Hendry Ton (Training) Bonnie Kaiser (Research) Neil Aggarwal (Policy) |
11:15 – 12:00 | Plenary (Part 3)
Reporting back and discussion (all) |
12:00 – 1:30 | Lunch and Business Meeting | |
1:30 – 3:00 | Concurrent Sessions | |
Symposium 3: Cultures and the Opioid Epidemic in Central Appalachia | Moderator: Larry Merkel
Discussant: Joseph Westermeyer |
Representations of Appalachian cultures in the opiate epidemic | Claire Snell-Rood | |
Cultures of health care and the Appalachian opioid epidemic | Larry Merkel | |
Cultures of policy and the opioid epidemic in Central Appalachia | Diana Robinson | |
Works-in-Progress: A Grant-Writing Workshop | Moderator: Alan Teo | |
The cultures of competence in multicultural societies | Ana Gómez-Carrillo | |
Barriers to mental health services for Hmong elders | Xiong Yee | |
Pursuing cultural competence at the organizational and clinical levels: A system-based model applied to a community center in NYC | Pamela Montano-Arteaga
Xiaojue Hu |
Resident Consultation Session | Kenneth Fung | |
Workshop 4: All Psychotherapy is Cross-Cultural* | Steven Wolin
Vincenzo Di Nicola |
Paper Session 4: Attention to Culture in Service Provision and Training | Moderator: Hendry Ton | |
The aesthetic imperative in cross-cultural clinical encounters | Helgi Eyford | |
The evolving definition of culture and the cultural humility approach in mental health service provision, training, and research | Mayio Konidaris-Kozirakis | |
Can Oregon legislation successfully mandate cultural competence in health care? | Amela Blekic | |
3:00 – 3:30 | Break | |
3:30 – 5:00 | Concurrent Sessions | |
Symposium 4: Culture and Curriculum: A Comparison of Transcultural Psychiatry Training in Ottawa, Toronto and Montreal | Moderator:
George Eric Jarvis Discussant: Kenneth Fung |
Culture and curriculum: Successes and challenges after 50 years of transcultural psychiatry At McGill University | George Eric Jarvis | |
Developing transcultural psychiatry in community, hospital, university and residency training programs: Toronto perspective | Lisa Andermann | |
Cultivating culture in Canada’s capital | Azaad Kassam | |
Workshop 5: Teaching Adults in the Changing Culture of Medicine and Society | Shannon Suo, Hendry Ton, Andres Sciolla, Ruth Shim | |
*Participation in this workshop is limited to 14 and pre-registration is required. |
Workshop 6: Intersectional Identities at Play in the “Culture” of American Psychiatry: How Do Mental Health Professionals Understand Their Obligations to Intervene When Discrimination Occurs in Clinical Settings? | Ian Hsu, Nikhil Patel
Nina Sreshta |
Paper Session 5: Youth Mental Health | Moderator:
Cécile Rousseau |
Cultural safety in youth mental health services: clinicians’ and families’ use of culture as a mediator for dialogue | Janique Johnson-Lafleur | |
Parent-child emotion discussion is linked to children’s socio-emotional competence in Chinese American immigrant families | Kaley Curtis | |
College drinking culture: Nature and extent | Joseph Westermeyer |
Day 3 (Saturday, April 21, 2018)
7:30 – 8:30 | Breakfast | |
8:30 – 10:00 | Concurrent Sessions | |
Symposium 5: From Cultural Competency to Structural Competency in Psychiatric Training and Practice | Moderator: Helena Hansen | |
Interdisciplinary frameworks and collaborative fieldwork on homelessness, severe mental illness and incarceration as clinical tools | Joel Braslow | |
Structural competency in mental health: Psychiatry residents and peer mental health specialists as community navigators for clinical teams | Selena Suhail-Sindhu | |
Peer mental health specialists: A structural intervention meant to further community-centered mental healthcare in Harlem, NYC | Parth Patel | |
Workshop 7: Exploring the Complexity of Cultural Identity and Cultural Stressors/Supports Through the Film The Music of Strangers: Yo-Yo Ma and the Silk Road Ensemble | Francis Lu, Ruth Shim Andrés Sciolla, Shannon Suo | |
Workshop 8: Microaggressions | Tatiana Claridad
Ranna Parekh, Jai Gandhi Rustin Dakota Carter |
Paper Session 6: Task-Shifting in Mental Health Care | Moderator: Bonnie Kaiser | |
Brief gatekeeper training for suicide prevention in an ethnic minority population: A controlled intervention | Alan Teo | |
“Are traditional healers psychotic?” and “I know a healer who cured psychosis”: Sub-cultures among generalist clinicians engaged in mental health task-sharing in rural Nepal | Pragya Rimal | |
Evolving concepts of culture brokers in mental health care settings | Eleanor McGroarty | |
10:00 – 10:30 | Break | |
10:30 – 12:00 | Concurrent Sessions | |
Symposium 6: Three Ways of Looking at Culture: Social Class, Dialogues & Borders, Camps & Refugees | Moderator:
Vincenzo Di Nicola Discussant: Steven Wolin |
The still-hidden injuries of class | Nadia Daly | |
Dialogues, borders, and cultures | Vincenzo Di Nicola | |
Refugee culture | Neda Faregh | |
Workshop 9: How to Use the Participatory Photography Assessment Tool (P-PAT) to Engage Children in Research Cross-culturally | Mónica Ruíz-Casares | |
Workshop 10: Working with Interpreters in Mental Health: Doing Therapy in Slow Motion | Georgi Kroupin | |
Paper Session 7: Identity, Discrimination, and Societal Context | Moderator: Francis Lu | |
Three culturally based hypotheses linking blackness, madness, and dangerousness | King Davis | |
Does the number of reasons matter? A critical review of current evidence on multiple discrimination and health | Sylvanna Vargas | |
Teaching cultural psychiatry in today’s sociopolitical climate | Belinda Bandstra | |
12:00 – 1:00 | Lunch | |
1:00 – 2:30 | Concurrent Sessions | |
Workshop 11: Teaching Cultural Psychiatry to Address Community Mental Health Challenges | Anna Fiskin, Dawn Sung | |
Works-in Progress 2 | Moderator:
Roberto Lewis-Fernández |
Exploring intersectionality as an analytic tool for transforming the ‘culture’ of mental health practice | Nancy Clark | |
A model curriculum for improving clinical language skills among bilingual mental health care providers | Michael Alpert | |
Perceived discrimination among multiply marginalized groups: The role of hair cortisol as a marker of chronic stress | Sylvanna Vargas | |
Paper Session 8: Cross-Cultural Concepts of Mental Illness | Moderator: Larry Merkel | |
A qualitative analysis of women with depression in Bangalore: A focus on women’s experience | Pooja Lakshmin | |
Missing concept of hazardous and harmful alcohol use in the culture of collective drunkenness among the Peruvian Andean population | Sakiko Yamaguchi | |
‘Brain Fag’: Metamorphosis of a symptom, syndrome and society | Oyedeji Ayonrinde | |
2:30 – 2:45 | Break | |
2:45 – 4:15 | Concurrent Sessions | |
Workshop 12: Decolonizing Mental Health: Caregivers as Accomplices on the Frontlines | Rosemary Fister | |
Paper Session 9 : Indigenous Perspectives | Moderator:
Laurence Kirmayer |
Cultural renewal in indigenous mental health | Laurence Kirmayer | |
“Culture” across partners in a community-based suicide prevention program for indigenous youth in Ontario, Canada | Gerald McKinley | |
“Linguistic schizophrenia”: Colonial pathology and cultural re/invention | Eden Almasude | |
Paper Session 10: Novel Interventions and Approaches | Moderator:
Vincenzo Di Nicola |
A culturally adapted Dialectical Behavior Therapy skills intervention for women with suicidal behaviors in rural Nepal: A single-case experimental design series | Claire Aisenstein | |
Chinese immigrant use of smartphone apps toward improving child mental health awareness and resource delivery: A pilot study | Emily Wu | |
The entanglement of spirituality, culture, and psychosis: Expanding our perception of mental illness, engaging traditional healers, and nurturing community | Amanda Satterthwaite | |
4:15 | Conference Adjourns |