
Resources in Cultural Psychiatry


Allied organizations and institutions

World Psychiatric Association-Transcultural Psychiatry Section
World Association of Cultural Psychiatry
Division of Social and Transcultural Psychiatry, McGill University
New York State Center of Excellence for Cultural Competence at the New York State Psychiatric Institute
Center for Health, Culture and Society
International Association for Cross Cultural Psychology
Society for Psychological Anthropology

Journals in Cultural Psychiatry and related fields

Transcultural Psychiatry
Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry
Culture & Psychology
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology

Websites related to Cultural Psychiatry

Human Resources and Services Administration Culture, Language and Health Literacy

Videos for use in Cultural Psychiatry training

APA: “Real Doctors in Action” DVD on 4 minority psychiatrists
Mental Health Association of California: DVDs on stigma of mental illness in Asian Americans and Latinos
“Culture of Emotions” on DSM-IV Outline for Cultural Formulation

Model curricula in Cultural Psychiatry

University of Washington Integrative Health in Psychiatry curriculum for residents
University of Washington Religion, Spirituality and Culture curriculum for residents
American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training model curricula on Cultural Psychiatry (requires membership)
American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Diversity and Cultural Competency Curriculum for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Training


Annotated Bibliography on Cultural Psychiatry and Related Topics – October 2002 pdfUniversity of Washington’s Psychiatry Residents Curriculum

  1. Integrative Health in Psychiatry Curriculum for residents
  2. Religion, Spirituality and Culture Curriculum for residents

Websites of Model Curricula and Other Materials on Cultural Competence and Diversity in Mental Health

Francis Lu, MD
Luke & Grace Kim Endowed Professor in Cultural Psychiatry
UC Davis

Model Curricula

AADPRT model curricula on cultural psychiatry:

AACAP curriculum:

Upcoming model curricula on cultural issues for child and adolescent psychiatry

AGLP curriculum:

APA Ethnic Minority Elderly curriculum:


APA:   “Real Doctors in Action” DVD on 4 minority psychiatrists:

Mental Health Association of California: 2 DVD on stigma of mental illness in Asian Americans and Latinos:

“Culture of Emotions” on DSM-IV Outline for Cultural Formulation:


Mental Health: Culture, Race, and Ethnicity

A Supplement to Mental Health: A Report of the Surgeon General:

HRSA cultural competence section:

(Goldmine of information)

SAMHSA National Center for Cultural Competence:

SAMHSA National Network to Eliminate Disparities in Behavioral Health:

DHHS Office of Minority Health:

State of California, Dept. of Mental Health, Office of Multicultural Services:

State of New York Nathan Kline Institute Center of Excellence in Culturally Competent Mental Health:

State of New York Columbia University Center of Excellence for Cultural Competence:

McGill University Division of Social and Transcultural Psychiatry:

Professional Organizations

World Psychiatric Association–Transcultural Psychiatry Section:

Society for the Study of Psychiatry and Culture:

World Association for Cultural Psychiatry:


Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry journal:

Transcultural Psychiatry journal:

Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology journal:

Interpersonal and Communication Issues in Mental Health Care

a) National Health Law Program: Language access

b) Institute of Medicine: Health literacy

1) Toward Health Equity and Patient-Centeredness: Integrating Health Literacy, Disparities Reduction, and Quality Improvement: Workshop Summary (2009): Health Literacy: A Prescription to End Confusion (2004):

c) U.S. Dept. of Justice. A Guide to Disability Rights Law:

d) American Federation for the Blind

1) Disability Rights Resources for People with Vision Loss:
2) ADA Checklist: Health Care Facilities and Service Providers Ensuring Access to Services and Facilities by Patients Who Are Blind, Deaf-Blind, or Visually Impaired:

e) National Association of the Deaf

1) Health Care and Mental Health Services: Civil Rights Law:

Affiliated Organizations: