From the Editor’s Corner

by | February 15, 2014 | Newsletter, Winter Special Edition 2014

by Shannon Suo

As you can tell by the Steven and Liz’s articles, excitement is in the air for the 2014 Annual Meeting in San Diego. Personally, I look forward to the chance to visit with old and new friends and participate in lively discussions on a multitude of topics pertaining to psychiatry and culture!

I continue to look for new and innovative ways to make the newsletter lively, interactive, as well as informative for our members. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any comments or suggestions!

In addition to the newsletter, I am working with the Board on revision and improvement of the website and PayPal.

With our first corporate sponsor, the newsletter enters an era of advertising that will present new challenges and opportunities. We hope that you find the advertisements and sponsorships of benefit and appreciate our sponsors’ support of the organization.

This is one way that the Board has sought to keep dues down and the Annual Meeting affordable for all.

Please let me or Liz know of any potential advertisers or sponsors—we’re always on the lookout! Enjoy the rest of the winter and I look forward to seeing you in May in San Diego!

Things to Do in Providence

It takes about 45 minutes to drive across Rhode Island, or just enough time to watch the opening scenes of...