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Membership Committee Report

by Alpna Munshi Our committee is excited to be leading the recruitment and retention of a diverse, interdisciplinary membership within SSPC. We have identified a set of priorities for the committee’s work over the next year: a. connecting with professions and...

Thoughts from the Editor

by Shannon Suo SSPC heads into a new era with a new president, new editor, and new members. I hope that the changes we are making are acceptable to those members who have been the lifeblood of the organization for many years and welcome feedback from everyone. If you...

From the Editor’s Desk

by Shannon Suo Happy 2012! By now you’ve received the emails about the SSPC Annual Conference to be held in New York in May. The theme for this year is Globalization and the Dilemmas of Multiculturalism and we have scheduled the meeting immediately following the APA...

Call for Nominations, SSPC Officers

After several years of planning and discussion, the SSPC Board of Directors has approved a process for nomination and election of officers. This will be an important change for the Society in its continued growth, and we are excited about it. We thank the...

SSPC Annual Meeting

SSPC Annual Meeting

Globalization and the Dilemmas of Multiculturalism Dates: May 9-11, 2012 Venue: Angel Orensanz Foundation for Contemporary Art 172 Norfolk Street New York, New York 10002 The Program: The 2012 Annual Meeting of the SSPC will be held right after the American...


SSPC is pleased to announce the call for papers for the 2012 annual meeting in New York, May 9-11, 2012. Abstracts are due no later than November 1, 2011, and all abstracts will be peer reviewed. Preference will be given to papers that relate to the theme of the...