We are looking for candidates who are in need of financial support in order to attend the SSPC Annual Meeting and are...
Recent SSPC News News
Call for Contributions
Collection of Mental Health Narratives – History, Concepts, Education, Practice Edited by Ronja Bodola, PhD; Michelle...
SSPC Statement Denouncing Anti-Asian Racism
In the wake of the recent killings at Atlanta and the worrisome increasing acts of violence against Asian Americans...
Past SSPC News News

SSPC Elections and Awards Nominations
Call for Nominations for Officers and Board As usual, this winter we will be sending out a ballot for election of Officers and Board members. Because positions rotate on a three-year cycle, the positions of President-elect, Secretary and Treasurer are currently open...

SSPC Endorses APA Statement condemning violence in the US Capitol
We would like to express our strong endorsement and support for the American Psychiatric Association statement linked below, condemning the violence, denoting the exposed inequities, and recognizing the events' traumatic impact on our collective mental well-being. We...

Dr. Ronald Wintrob’s Passing
Dear Friends and Colleagues: It is with great sadness to inform you that Dr. Ronald Wintrob had passed away. Dr. Wintrob had been a seminal pioneer in cultural psychiatry and the founder of SSPC, serving as president for many years. We were all delighted that he...

SSPC Champions Social Justice
In recognition of the urgent and critical need to address racism and its impact on health, the SSPC is endorsing and supporting the following statements: The Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) statement on police brutality and racism in America and their...
SSPC Symposia at the 15th World Congress of Psychiatry
On September 21, 2011, at the meeting of the World Psychiatric Association in Buenos Aires, Argentina, the Society for the Study of Psychiatry and Culture (SSPC) sponsored a symposium on “Current Research in Transcultural Psychiatry in the United States”. The...
SSPC depends on the minimal dues we charge to help keep the organization going. Annual meeting registration does not cover our office expenses, but without a secretary to process the paper work we could not have an organization. Please pay your membership if you have...
SSPC depends on the minimal dues we charge to help keep the organization going. Annual meeting registration does not cover our office expenses, but without a secretary to process the paper work we could not have an organization. Please pay your membersihip if you have...
Streamlining Communications
We want to keep in touch with you and want you to keep in touch with us. In order to do this more effectively, and make office operations function more efficiently, we have made the following changes to our email communications: The SSPCadmin mail box no longer...
Search for a Logo
The Society for Study of Psychiatry and Culture (SSPC) has a new logo. It will be used on our website and for communication. You will also see it gracing our future newsletters.
Remembering Joe Yamamoto
Joe Yamamoto, M.D., Ph.D., a long standing member of SSPC died May 24 at age 85. Dr. Yamamoto taught psychiatry at the University of Oklahoma, University of Southern California, and University of California, Los Angeles—giving hundreds of academic presentations and...