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NIMH Funding Opportunity

NIMH has announced the posting of a new funding opportunity: Mentored Career Development Award to Build Research Capacity in Global Mental Health (RFA-MH-14-120). The purpose of the NIMH Mentored Career Development Award to Build Research Capacity in Global Mental...

Send us your news!

by Shannon Suo In my role as newsletter editor, I hope to include more news about SSPC members. In this issue, you will see a reprint of an article about John de Figueiredo that appeared in Psychiatric News. We aren’t always aware when our members make news, so please...

President’s Message

Our program for the 2013 conference in Toronto has been posted at the SSPC website ( for you to view. Many thanks to our Program Committee under the able leadership of Roberto Lewis-Fernandez, and the untiring support of our Executive...